Melissas Red Banana PLU 4236.JPG (31644 Byte)

Melissas Red Banana PLU 4236 2.jpg (35333 Byte)

Exponat 453 Exponat 598
Exponat 1.285 Exponat 1.344


Exponat 453

Aufkleber Melissa's® PLU #4236 Red Banana
Red bananas are eaten raw out of the skin, but only if it is soft to the touch and is turning black. Use this banana in your favorite salads or as you would a regular banana.

GeberIn.gif (210 Byte)James N. Gower


Exponat 598

Aufkleber Melissa's® PLU #4236 Red Banana
Red bananas are eaten raw out of the skin, but only if it is soft to the touch and is turning black. Use this banana in your favorite salads or as you would a regular banana.
Product of Ecuador & Comobia

GeberIn.gif (210 Byte)Rudolf Schüpferling


Exponat 1.285

Aufkleber Melissa's® PLU #4236 Red Banana
Macaboo Banana

GeberIn.gif (210 Byte)Emerson Nichols


Exponat 1.344

Aufkleber Melissa's® PLU #4236 Red Banana
Red bananas may be eaten raw out of the skin, but only if soft to the touch and turning black in color. Use in your favorite salads or as you would a regular banana.
Product of Ecuador

.GeberIn.gif (210 Byte)Shirley Wolfe